Climatebonus increased
On the June 30, 2022 the Austrian Federal Government adjusted the Climatebonus- Statute (“Klimabonusgesetz – KliBG”) to cushion the financial disadvantage suffered through the current inflation wave. The amendment raised the standardised base amount of the regional Climatebonus (“Klimabonus”) from 100 € to 250 € for the year 2022.
Entitled to this bonus is any natural person with a registered main residency in Austria for a minimum of 183 days during the calendar year the “Klimabonus” is being granted. Even children under the age of 18 are permitted to half the standardised amount (now 125€). A regional differentiation will not occur in the year 2022.
According to the Austrian Federal Ministry, the disbursement of the “Klimabonus” (via either coupon or bank transfers) will occur from October 2022 onwards. Starting in the calendar year 2023, the original system of calculating via a base amount and additional regional adjustments will be put in place.