Greindl & Köck

Stefan Köck at the 15th Oktobergespräche on the topic of “Workation”

“Workation” – work while on vacation or vacation at work and how its handled

With this title Professor Stefan Köck, partner at Greindl & Köck, gave a lecture this year at the 15th “Wiener Oktobergespräche” (Vienna October Talks).


In a co-presentation on the premises of the Juridicum, he addressed this topic together with university assistant Helene Schnabl of the University of Vienna.

The “Wiener Oktobergespräche”, is an anual symposium on employment law that has been taking place since 2008. Each conference is dedicated to a theme whose current legal issues are discussed in a high-quality scientific and practice-oriented manner by various renowned speakers. This year, the topic revolved around control systems in employment law.



Stefan Köck offers legal advice as a leading expert in the field of employment law.