Greindl & Köck

Special care leave extended to the end of the year / Update – extended to July 7th, 2023

Due to the increased number of infections, the Special Care Leave provision was reinstated as of September 5th, 2022 and extended to December 31st, 2022.

When is there a claim for special care leave?

Children who are traffic-restricted due to COVID-19 infection or whose school or class is closed by authorities must stay home. In these cases parents or other care-takers that are working may take special care leave to supervise the child and stay at home. However, the claim can only be made if the care and supervision of the child by the employee is actually necessary, for instance when no other relative can look after the child.

The special care leave may last up to 3 weeks. During this time, the employee must continue to be paid in full. However, no later than 6 weeks after the end of the special care period the employer may submit an application for reimbursement of remuneration to the federal accounting agency .


Update 12/05/2022

Due to the still considerable number of infections, the Austrian Parlament has decided to extend the Special Care Leave provision to July 7th, 2023.



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