Update – link to the lecture / Mag. Markus Hofpointner as speaker at the eDAY of the WKO – 14.9.2022
We are pleased to announce our partner Mag. Markus Hofpointner as a lecturer at the eDAY22 in the WKO.
Mr Hofpointners lecture was within the topic block on cybersecurity. The topic of his lecture was “Websites & Data Protection – Current Legal Issues of the Processing of Visitor Data on Internet Presences”.
During his talk he adressed current data protection issues of website design, in particular duties to provide information, use of cookies, data transfer abroad and data breaches.
- The lecture of Mag. Hofpointner (in German) can be watched with the following link:
eDAY22 – Aktuelle Rechtsfragen der Verarbeitung von Besucherdaten auf Internetauftritten – YouTube - The other talks and discussions of the eDAY can be found here:
Der eDAY22 on Demand – WKO.at
The eDAY22 is the largest annual digitization event of the WKO for entrepreneurs and took place under this year’s motto “safe. digital. sustainable”.
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